Understanding how a Single Source of Truth library can be implemented in React

Recently I was using Apollo Client and it was able to update the components using useQuery when I modified the DB using useMutation. How was it able to do that was my question?

The best way to understand how an abstraction works is by implementing that. So, I did the following implementation which helped me understood how it works. Obviously, Apollo client implementation would be much more complex.

A very simple "Single Source of Truth" Library Implementation and it's usage

import React from 'react';

// A simple Single Source of Truth Library implementation
let SingleSourceOfTruth = (function() {
  let context = React.createContext();
  let Provider = context.Provider;
  return {
    useList() {
      let [cache, setCache] = React.useContext(context);
      function setList(val) {

      return [cache, setList];
    getStore(init) {
      // Library user would use this and provide the value to Provider
      // React re-renders every component using Context Consumer(i.e. having useContext hook usage)
      return React.useState(init);

function ShowListPlace1() {
  // Indirectly using useContext which would cause this component to be re-rendered when Context value changes.
  let [list] = SingleSourceOfTruth.useList();
  return (
      {list.map(item => {
        return <div>{item}</div>;

function ShowListPlace2() {
  // Indirectly using useContext which would cause this component to be re-rendered when Context value changes.
  let [list, setList] = SingleSourceOfTruth.useList();
  let [items, setItems] = React.useState('');
  return (
    <div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column' }}>
        placeholder="Provide newline separate values"
        onChange={e => {
        onClick={() => {
        Update List
      {list.map(item => {
        return <div>{item}</div>;

export default function App() {
  let store = SingleSourceOfTruth.getStore(['Item1', 'Item2']);
  return (
    <SingleSourceOfTruth.Provider value={store}>
      <div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-evenly' }}>
        <ShowListPlace1>Hello StackBlitz!</ShowListPlace1>
        <ShowListPlace2 />


Aug-28-2021 18-06-27.gif

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